- 上一讲我们讲解了Laya的Animation的模块,这一期界面我们将对Mesh.ts做更多考量
前面的教程: https://drinker.site/2020/11/02/DecipheringLayaSourceCode0.html
static MESH: string = "MESH";
/** @internal */
private _tempVector30: Vector3 = new Vector3()
/** @internal */
private _tempVector31: Vector3 = new Vector3();
/** @internal */
private _tempVector32: Vector3 = new Vector3();
/** @internal */
private static _nativeTempVector30: number;
/** @internal */
private static _nativeTempVector31: number;
/** @internal */
private static _nativeTempVector32: number;、
* @internal
static __init__(): void {
var physics3D: any = Physics3D._bullet;
if (physics3D) {
Mesh._nativeTempVector30 = physics3D.btVector3_create(0, 0, 0);
Mesh._nativeTempVector31 = physics3D.btVector3_create(0, 0, 0);
Mesh._nativeTempVector32 = physics3D.btVector3_create(0, 0, 0);
这里是一系列的初始化,但是并没有具体实际意义的值,所以我们就是逐一查看引用,先查出_nativeTempVector30的引用方法,我们会发现 _ getPhysicMesh()
* @internal
_getPhysicMesh(): any {
if (!this._btTriangleMesh) {
var bt: any = Physics3D._bullet;
var triangleMesh: number = bt.btTriangleMesh_create();//TODO:独立抽象btTriangleMesh,增加内存复用
var nativePositio0: number = Mesh._nativeTempVector30;
var nativePositio1: number = Mesh._nativeTempVector31;
var nativePositio2: number = Mesh._nativeTempVector32;
var position0: Vector3 = this._tempVector30;
var position1: Vector3 = this._tempVector31;
var position2: Vector3 = this._tempVector32;
var vertexBuffer: VertexBuffer3D = this._vertexBuffer;
var positionElement: VertexElement = this._getPositionElement(vertexBuffer);
var verticesData: Float32Array = vertexBuffer.getFloat32Data();
var floatCount: number = vertexBuffer.vertexDeclaration.vertexStride / 4;
var posOffset: number = positionElement._offset / 4;
var indices: Uint16Array = this._indexBuffer.getData();//TODO:API修改问题
for (var i: number = 0, n: number = indices.length; i < n; i += 3) {
var p0Index: number = indices[i] * floatCount + posOffset;
var p1Index: number = indices[i + 1] * floatCount + posOffset;
var p2Index: number = indices[i + 2] * floatCount + posOffset;
position0.setValue(verticesData[p0Index], verticesData[p0Index + 1], verticesData[p0Index + 2]);
position1.setValue(verticesData[p1Index], verticesData[p1Index + 1], verticesData[p1Index + 2]);
position2.setValue(verticesData[p2Index], verticesData[p2Index + 1], verticesData[p2Index + 2]);
Utils3D._convertToBulletVec3(position0, nativePositio0, true);
Utils3D._convertToBulletVec3(position1, nativePositio1, true);
Utils3D._convertToBulletVec3(position2, nativePositio2, true);
bt.btTriangleMesh_addTriangle(triangleMesh, nativePositio0, nativePositio1, nativePositio2, true);
this._btTriangleMesh = triangleMesh;
return this._btTriangleMesh;
var indices: Uint16Array = this._indexBuffer.getData();//TODO:API修改问题
for (var i: number = 0, n: number = indices.length; i < n; i += 3) {
var p0Index: number = indices[i] * floatCount + posOffset;
var p1Index: number = indices[i + 1] * floatCount + posOffset;
var p2Index: number = indices[i + 2] * floatCount + posOffset;
position0.setValue(verticesData[p0Index], verticesData[p0Index + 1], verticesData[p0Index + 2]);
position1.setValue(verticesData[p1Index], verticesData[p1Index + 1], verticesData[p1Index + 2]);
position2.setValue(verticesData[p2Index], verticesData[p2Index + 1], verticesData[p2Index + 2]);
Utils3D._convertToBulletVec3(position0, nativePositio0, true);
Utils3D._convertToBulletVec3(position1, nativePositio1, true);
Utils3D._convertToBulletVec3(position2, nativePositio2, true);
bt.btTriangleMesh_addTriangle(triangleMesh, nativePositio0, nativePositio1, nativePositio2, true);
this._btTriangleMesh = triangleMesh;
这里调用了_indexBuffer,我们看看它的赋值引用,我们可以看到一个这样的方法 setIndices
setIndices(indices: Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array): void {
var format: IndexFormat;
if (indices instanceof Uint32Array)
format = IndexFormat.UInt32;
else if (indices instanceof Uint16Array)
format = IndexFormat.UInt16;
else if (indices instanceof Uint8Array)
format = IndexFormat.UInt8;
var indexBuffer: IndexBuffer3D = this._indexBuffer;
if (this._indexFormat !== format || indexBuffer.indexCount !== indices.length) {//format chang and length chang will recreate the indexBuffer
this._indexBuffer = indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer3D(format, indices.length, LayaGL.instance.STATIC_DRAW, this._isReadable);
this._indexFormat = format;
如果你之前看过一些webGL的教程,这里会有一种很强的既视感,就是用其渲染多边形,我放出我囤积许久的csdn教程 :https://blog.csdn.net/lufy_Legend